Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 25 2009

Well I hope everyone had a nice christmas. I know for sure that Adam and the kids really had a nice christmas. They got more toys than I can count. lol


  1. Hello!

    I found your blog through another. My name is Lauren and I'm 22yrs. old. I was born with Tricuspid Atresia like your son. I had the Pulmonary Artery Banding and the Fontan. If you ever want to talk I'm here. Your little guy is adorable, I'm keeping him in my prayers.

    Sending you Many **Heart Hugs**!!
    With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,
    Lauren (22yr. old w/Tricuspid Atresia aka HRHS)


  2. My son had Tricuspid Atresia. As I am sure you are discovering, it is a little rare, and it is hard to find resources. I found your blog through anothers, and I wanted to let you know I am always willing to share with you what I know and what our experiences are. We went through the Glenn in March of last year in Atlanta, GA.
    I'll be praying for your sweet son!
