Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 4 2010

Adam started to take a couple of steps. I was so excited about that until he fell down and got his little face on the floor. His nose started bleeding I think I cried more than he did. I guess I am a big baby! lol But after I got him cleaned he got up and took a few more steps.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting on my blog. I appreciate the advice. I love getting suggestions from people that really know how difficult having a sick baby is. I get so tired of these moms with healthy babies giving me helpful hints. I am going to talk with my GI doc this week about the pediasure. Mackynlee will eat a bite here and there. Her favorite thing to do is suck the cheese off of the noodles. I'm glad too have found your blog. I will pray for your precious darling and you as well. Heart Hugs, Susan (Mackynlee's mom)
